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GDPR – The ICO announces that the UK is reforming Data Protection laws In May 2018

It was announced on the 31st October by the ICO which provides clarity on the direction the UK is taking when it comes to the new data protection regulations. The Information Commissioner announced what many of us have been suspecting, that the UK is effecting the new GDPR regulations in May 2018 as originally planned.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been designed to toughen the protection of individual’s data and maintain consistent standards across all countries within the EU.

Maintaining the implementation of this regulation is a good move for the UK. We all need to be more aware about protecting our information, especially with the growth of cybercrime. All businesses hold much more electronic data now and with this is a greater risk of having that data stolen, lost or generally misused. The GDPR provides clear laws and safeguards to help protect individuals with the aim to elevate and promote accountability and governance. By putting the recommended measures in place, organisations should be able to minimise the risk of a breach, improve the security of data and minimise the risk of reputational and financial damage.

The intention behind this regulation is a good one, but we recognise that that the notion of the change required is overwhelming for many of our customers – all of our software including EPoS, CRM, and Cloud, will be updated to reflect the changes in the law, and we’re here to help. More information on GDPR and how we can help you can be found here.